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What Devices do I need to view VMX Virtual CE?

No special software is required. You will log into your Attendee Service Center to access virtual sessions. Click here

Approved Device List:

MacOS Supported devices (MacBook, MacBook Pro, Macbook Air, & Mac desktops

All Windows devices

What Mobile App iOS and Android devices are supported

Apple: Any iOS device that supports iOS 13 or above

Android: 4.4 (API 19). Only android phones, not supported on tablets.


To attend or host a webinar you'll need to be on the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge or Opera.

Internet Explorer 11 can only be used by attendees. Hosts cannot enter on Internet Explorer.

We strongly recommends hosts and presenters use Chrome or Firefox for the best possible experience.


For Attendees to have uninterrupted access: min. 2Mbps DOWNLOAD speed

(attendees with slower speed should use Webcast Mode)

IOS and Android devices (ipad, iPhone, Android Tablets, Kindle Fire) Support adding or removing of CE.

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